Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Icy day...

My truck in our driveway.
This is not snow, it's ice!!!
What a day. Darlene took this picture of our front yard. We have had more ice since she took it and the limb of our tree is touching the ground. We are expecting snow tonight. So far we have electricity but the satellite is "out". This would be a good night to watch a movie or maybe do some reading. We are so blessed. May God bless you too...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Garrett!!!

Garrett getting ready for a baseball game.
Giving his Mom a big kiss.

Garrett having fun with the jeep.

Garrett with Mammaw on 'Grandparents Day' at school.
Today is Garrett Martin Snyder's birthday!!
Have a great day, Mammaw and Poppy love you.
See you at McDonalds!
♥Mammaw and Poppy♥

Saturday, January 17, 2009

June 1st, 1973

Elize and Lucille Williams, Darlene and me , Bonnie and Jimmy Snyder.
There are a few events in your life that changes things forever. This was one for us. Our wedding day. I scanned this the other day and thought I would share it with you. God has been good to us over the last 35 years, three sons, three daughters-in-law and five grandchildren later, we have been very blessed. Have a great day and God bless you...

Friday, January 16, 2009

Put another log on the fire...

Mammaw and Poppy on the beach.

Mammaw and Poppy with all the grandkids on the beach in Destin.
It is cold! The temperature is one degree this morning as I post this. Why the pictures? Last October we went to Destin for fall vacation and it was a lot warmer then. Brian took these pictures and I love this one with the grandkids. Those expressions crack me up. Keep warm and God bless...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

David Allen Williams...one year today.

David on the phone. He is probably talking to one of his daughters or grandkids. He loved to keep in touch. If you didn't call him in a couple of days he would call you to see how you were doing. We miss those calls.
David and Terry Cole on family vacation in Gatlinburg. David was in his element in the kitchen. We had a wonderful time.
David was baptised in 2007. Bro. John and Joey did the honors. David was only six foot eight inches tall and if they had room they could had used another person to dunk "Big Uncle Dave". David loved his church family and Sunday school class.
Here is another picture of our family vacation to Gatlinburg, TN. We rented this nice cabin. Elaine, David and Darlene stopped long enough to pose for this picture.
We love you and miss you. One year ago today you left us, but you have never left our thoughts or hearts.
♥ GS and DS ♥

Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Noah!!!

Super Noah!


on the
Today is our grandson Noah's fifth birthday. Mammaw called him last night and he invited her to his birthday party. Mario Kart is the theme and he wants Mammaw to bring him a present. Like Mammaw wouldn't get him anything ;-) Have a great day Noah, Mammaw and Poppy love you! XOXOXO ♥♥♥

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

More pictures from the past...

My cousins Kay and Kenny with our Grandfather Snyder
Sherman, me and our cousin Sherri with Grandfather Snyder

Here are some more picture from the past. Our Grandfather Snyder loved all his grandchildren. I don't know where the top picture was taken but the other picture was taken in our back yard when we lived on Parkdale. Weren't we a cute bunch?? Have a great day and God bless...

Monday, January 5, 2009


Susan, Mammaw, me and Sherman - 2005
Dad and Mammaw at her 98th birthday party.

Here are more recent pictures of my Grandmother. Mammaw was born August 12th, 1910. She has a remarkable memory and loves to talk about the "good old days". Mammaw we love you!!
♥GS and DS♥

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Snyder Grandparents...

Hazel and Homer Snyder
Young Snyder couple
Today I thought I would share a couple of pictures of my Dad's parents with you. Homer Snyder was a Church of God Anderson preacher and pastor. He died in 1976 but my Mammaw turned 98 years old last August. I visited her yesterday, she lives on her own and loves for us to come by. God bless you Mammaw....

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Sherman Dale Easton

Sherman Dale Easton
My Dad's cousin past away this week and his funeral was today. I went to the funeral home and talked with his wife Teresa and their son Tim. Dale had Alzheimer’s disease and was in a coma the last few weeks. My brother and I are both named after him, Sherman is my brother's name and Glendal is my middle name. He was an Army veteran of the Korean Conflict. I was born on the day Dale left for Korea and Sherman was born when he returned. Dale was a retired truck driver for Baskin-Robbins and both my Dad and I worked with Dale at the ice cream plant. Help us pray for the family. We miss you Dale....

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy anniversary...yesterday!

Joey and Kelly.
Younger Joey and Kelly.

Joey and Kelly were married on Y2K. Joey shouldn't have a hard time remembering their anniversary. Can you believe it's been nine years? God bless you guys. Love ya'
Mom and Dad

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

Today is the first day of 2009. Can you believe it? We survived 2008 and lived to tell about it. Darlene and I would like to wish all our friends and family a wonderful new year. God bless.