Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Last weekend...

Last weekend we went to Alabama to hear our son Jeff sing. He has joined the Southern Gospel Music group the Greenes about three weeks ago. We got to meet Tony and Tranda and their two daughters. They have a great sound and we enjoyed the visit. God bless you guys...
Here is a picture of Jeff at Chili's restaurant.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Birthday present...

My brother, Sherman gave me the most thoughtful present for my birthday. He cleaned the limbs out of my yard from the recent ice storm. Dad, Brian and I had made a good start, but Sherman finished it up for me. Check out the earlier pictures, there were tree limbs everywhere. Thank you very much for my birthday present and God bless you "little brother".

Doesn't the yard look much better now??
Have a great day and God bless you...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Feb. 20th, 19??

Yes tomorrow is my birthday. Here is a picture of me getting ready to dive into my birthday cake. I wonder if it was chocolate? I'll have to ask Mom if she remembers. Here's wishing you a great day Friday... God bless you!!
My second birthday...
Why do we have to growup?? Well maybe some of us do ;-)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Before the Pirates of the Caribbean there was the Pirates of Branson. This was taken on our last family vacation when our sons lived at home. Darlene ran across this picture and wanted me to scan it and I couldn't resist posting it. Wow they look young don't they?? Joey, Jeff and Brian.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Let the cleanup begin...

Actually we started last Saturday. My Dad, Brian and I started cutting, stacking and hauling limbs a week ago. This is going to be a challenge and take some time, but that's ok. We need to get the house and roof fixed next. God is good, all the time! God bless you...
Trailer full of limbs.
More limbs to cleanup. Oh well, what you gonna' do???

New weatherhead. YEAH!!!

Back of house.

More cleanup needed.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day ♥♥♥

We had a Valentine's Day party at our church tonight. Larry and Faye hosted the event and we all had a good time. Here are some pictures. There was a skit, a game and food. Love is a wonderful thing especially when you share it with your best friend. Darlene is my best friend and the love of my life. God bless each one of you and happy Valentine's day!!! Valentine Party at Calvary Wesleyan Church.
Darlene laughing at Valentine game.

Faye and Larry asking questions during game.

Faye hosting party.

Kate waiting for her turn.

Valentine party Queen Joelle and King Randy.
They won the game...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Winter Storm 2009...

Here are some pictures of our house and yard after the ice storm Jan. 27th and 28th.

Broken weather head.

Leaning pole on 5th Street Road.

Bird taking shelter on our window sill.

Frozen wind chimes.

Our street.

Front of our house.

Limb on our roof.

A maple and pine in our back yard.

Limbs on the electric wires to our house.
After our last posting the lights went out for two weeks. We stayed at Brian and Stephanie's during this time. They treated us so good and we loved spending time with our grandsons, Garrett and Gavin. We are now home and have a hole in our roof. But God is still good. Thanks for your prayers and God bless...