Saturday, March 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Darlene...

Today is Darlene's birthday. I won't tell you how old she is, but she is one year older than me for eleven months of the year. Here are some pictures of her, in this first one she is about nine or ten and she will kill me for posting this one. Darlene have a great day and remember,
I ♥ u.
Bad hair day.
Darlene's high school senior picture.

Wedding day, she's so beautiful!

Darlene's favorite place, with her sons.

Valentine's day 2009.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Soccer Saturday

Today is the first Saturday this spring. Gavin starts playing soccer today and Garrett is playing baseball this afternoon. Here are some pictures from Gavin's day at the soccer field. He had fun. Gavin before practice. Isn't he cute?
Practice time.
Let's play!
Gavin and Mammaw.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Congratulations Dr. Snyder!!!

We would just like to say a big congrats to our daughter-in-law Melissa. Today is "match day", where doctor graduates are matched with their residency assignments, all across the United States and she got the number one ranking. She will be doing her residency at the Eastern Tennessee State University Hospital. We are very proud of her. Here is a picture of her with Jeff in the church where they met. God bless you Melissa and we love you.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Noah glasses???

Noah looks so cute in glasses. He cracks me up. When I saw this picture I couldn't resist posting it. Hope you have a great day! God bless...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A day with the boys...

We are spending the day with Garrett and Gavin. After church we came home for lunch and Garrett had ball practice this afternoon. We played "wrestling" on the Nintendo 64 and later we watched movies. We had peanuts in the shell for supper. We will miss the boys when Dad takes them home later. God bless you guys and have a great week. Love you,
♥Mammaw and Poppy♥
Mammaw and Gavin
Garrett and Gavin wrestlin'.
Who's winning???
Movie and peanuts.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Today we had a surprise birthday party for my old friend, Danny. We worked together at Baskin-Robbins and he turned sixty years old Tuesday. His daughter, Linda called me recently and said she and her Mother wanted to surprise Danny. They sure did a good job by calling the old B-R crew and inviting us to the party. We had a good time. Here are some of the pictures. Surprise! Happy Birthday!
Larry and Danny.
Story telling.
Laughing at old times.
Let's get this party started!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fun in Gatti town...

Aly and Noah are spending the weekend with Mammaw and Poppy. We are having a good time together and yesterday we went to a place called "Gatti town". They have pizza and rides for the kids. Noah and Aly both liked the bumper cars. Here are some pictures of them enjoying the rides. Mammaw and Poppy had fun watching them. God bless you guys and we will miss you when you have to go home today...
Love you..
Mammaw and Poppy Gatti town...buffet pizza and rides!
Noah and Aly waiting to ride the bumper cars.
Noah bumping into Aly.
Aly and Noah on the "Frog Hopper".

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Saturday night at McDonalds...

We had a great weekend with our grandson, Noah. We went to his favorite store, Dollar Tree where Mammaw lets him pick out any three items he wants. Then it was on to 'Old' McDonalds for supper and fun at the indoor 'play place'. He really makes our lives interesting and active. God bless you Noah and have a great week, we miss you.
Mammaw and Poppy Noah and Mammaw.
Poppy and Noah.