Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Year's ...Snyder style.

Happy New Years!!! How has you 2010 been so far? Ours has been great and here are some pictures taken on New Year's Eve at our son, Brian's house. All the grandkids were there and we had a good time.Can you say, "Laptop addiction"?
Which Wii controller is mine?
Aly smiles for the camera.
Wii fun!
Aly and Mammaw. Don't they look like twins? ;-)
Nerf madness...
Brian's birthday cake.
Maggie has had enough.
Noah plays the harmonica.
Mammaw is having a good time.
Kids and Maggie in front of the tree.
Dominoes, I've never won a game yet :-(
We love getting together with our children and grandchildren no matter what the occasion. We are so blessed. May God bless you and your family in 2010...
Happy New Years!!!