Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Pictures 2009

Here are some pictures we took during Christmas week 2009. There were so many we couldn't decide which ones to post, so there may be more later. ☺Noah gets a phone from Mammaw and Poppy. What's a 5 year old need with a phone? Maybe to call us!!
Aly got a phone from Mammaw and Poppy, too.
Austin opens a money counting jar from us.
Garrett opens a gift card.
Gavin watches his Dad open a gift card. "Can I help you spend it?"
Joey opens one of his presents on Christmas eve. He was sick that day.
Kelly at the Williams Christmas party on the 22nd.
Melissa opens her present while Jeff watches.
Darlene opens her personalized baking pan. I think she likes it.
I got a new laptop for Christmas. It's really neat.
We had a wonderful Christmas this year. We got to see all our kids and their families. God has blessed us so much this year. May God bless you and your family in 2010.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Pictures of my Mammaw...

Here are some pictures taken recently of my Grandmother. We call her Mammaw, some of you have ask me how she is doing now that she is in the resthome. To tell you the truth she would rather be living by herself, but that broken hip has really slowed her down. Brian, Me, Mammaw, Joey and Jeff.
Me and Mammaw.
Thanks for stopping by and checking out our pictures. Have a great week and God bless you...

Friday, December 18, 2009

Friends, Food and Fun...

Tonight we went with our friends, Diane and Jerry to the Feed Mill Restaurant. We had a great time and the food was good too. If you ever get a chance to go there you need to try it out.The Feed Mill.
Jerry and Diane.
Darlene and me.
All of us.
A night out with friends, good food and lots of laughs. It can't get any better than this.
Thanks for stopping by and checking out our pics. Have a Merry Christmas and God bless you...
GS and DS

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas Fireplace...

Ok, Ok!! Some of you have been wondering about the fireplace and how Darlene decorated it for Christmas. Here are some pictures to let you see what she did. By the way, we love our fireplace and feel like it has been one of the best investments we have made in a long time.
My desktop with a knelling Santa. One of my Baskin-Robbins friends made this for me. Thank you Judy!
Fireplace and Christmas tree.

My daughter-in-law loves the talking/singing "Willy the Lamp Post" ;-)Notice there's nothing in Darlene's stocking yet!
Our Christmas tree. We are working on wrapping the presents before the grandkids get here.
Here's the fireplace. Notice my stocking , on the left is plenty big enough for lumps of coal and bundles of switches!
Thank you for stopping by and checking out some of our pictures. Remember, "Jesus is the reason for the season!". Merry Christmas and God bless you...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Fireplace, just in time for Christmas...

We ordered a fireplace from Sam's Club as our Christmas present to each other this year and we received it just in time to hang our stockings. This fireplace uses cans of Real Flame gel to create the fire. The flame pictured here is using only two cans, we can use up to three at a time, and it does get hot. Darlene loves it.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a great week. God bless you...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Reminiscing today...

Today I was going through some old pictures and found some of the Grandkids when they were younger. I thought I would share them with you. Hope you enjoy them.Austin in 2003.
Aly at three years old.

Garrett 2 years old.
Noah in his pajamas.
Poppy with Gavin and Garrett.
They grow up so fast. It's fun to see how they have changed in some ways and are still the same in other ways. Thanks for stopping by and checking out our pictures. Have a great week and God bless you...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Grandparents Day at BES

Yesterday was Grandparents Day at Burns Elementary School. Mammaw and Poppy went for a visit and to eat lunch with Garrett. We had a good visit. Here are some pictures... Garrett raises his hand to answer a question from Miss Ashby.
Garrett coloring during class.
Miss Ashby reading a story about grandparents.
Garrett and Poppy.
Mammaw and Garrett.
We enjoyed our time with Garrett. Thanks for stopping by and checking out our pictures. Have a great week and God bless you...

Monday, October 26, 2009

Weekend at Great Wolf Lodge...

We had a very good fall break vacation this week. Went to Dollywood, Johnson City to visit with Jeff and Melissa and to Great Wolf Lodge with Joey, Kelly and the Lewisport Baptist Church Youth. What a fun time we had! Great Wolf Lodge entrance.
Darlene says, "Cheers!" with her diet Pepsi.

LBC bus waiting to be loaded.
Loading the bus.
Joey waiting to leave and trying to stay out of trouble.
Everyone in front of the fireplace.
We had a great time! Thanks for inviting us to come along. God bless you guys and have a great week.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Poppy and Grandkids...

We went to the park last Saturday and took some pictures. We would like to share them with you. Most of them are of me and the kids. Hope you like them.Our son Brian taking pictures.
Aly and our daughter-in-law Kelly. Don't they look gooood!!!

Our son Joey posing on the bridge.
Poppy and Austin.
Poppy and Aly.
Poppy with Garrett.
Poppy with Noah.
Poppy and Gavin. What a face!
Poppy with the kids.
Me and Mammaw.
Thanks for stopping by and checking out our pictures. I don't know if you have heard but my multiple myeloma has relapsed and I'm now on chemo. Please keep us in your prayers. God bless you...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Gavin's birthday party...

Gavin's birthday party was today. His birthday is really next week but today turned out to be a great time to have the party. Gavin had a "pool" party and yes they did get very wet. Here are a few pictures we took today.
Gavin in the "pool".
Gavin with his cake.
He opens another present, he loved them all!
Gavin and his brother Garrett open the T-Rex Hotwheels game.
Mammaw and Poppy loves these parties and always have a good time. Thanks for letting us share our pictures with you. Happy birthday Gavin! God bless you and have a great weekend...