Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Pictures 2009

Here are some pictures we took during Christmas week 2009. There were so many we couldn't decide which ones to post, so there may be more later. ☺Noah gets a phone from Mammaw and Poppy. What's a 5 year old need with a phone? Maybe to call us!!
Aly got a phone from Mammaw and Poppy, too.
Austin opens a money counting jar from us.
Garrett opens a gift card.
Gavin watches his Dad open a gift card. "Can I help you spend it?"
Joey opens one of his presents on Christmas eve. He was sick that day.
Kelly at the Williams Christmas party on the 22nd.
Melissa opens her present while Jeff watches.
Darlene opens her personalized baking pan. I think she likes it.
I got a new laptop for Christmas. It's really neat.
We had a wonderful Christmas this year. We got to see all our kids and their families. God has blessed us so much this year. May God bless you and your family in 2010.

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