Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Batter Up!

Mammaw and Poppy went to Garrett's baseball game last night. The first time at bat he was thrown out on first base but he second time he got a single. He loves baseball and really tries hard at it. We are very proud of him. This first picture is when he got the single. Batter up!
Gavin is Garrett's #1 fan. He loves his big brother.
Everyone have a great day and God bless...

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Shack...

I just finished reading "The Shack" written by William P. Young and I must say it does make you think. One man's encounter with God is how someone put it. I won't say much more than that and if you have read it please leave me a comment. Tell me what you think. God bless you... GS
Front cover
Back cover.
There is a website at www.TheShackBook.com

Thursday, April 16, 2009


I love good quotes, here are a few of my favorite.

Promise little and do much. Hebrew proverb

You are the way you are because that's the way you want to be. If you really wanted to be any different, you would be in the process of changing right now. Fred Smith

If I am to be sanctified, if I am to be preserved blameless and harmless, it must be by the power of God for my own efforts have utterly failed. Hannah Whitall Smith

Flattery is telling the other person precisely what he thinks about himself. Dale Carnegie

Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. Thomas Edison

The end of life is not to be happy, nor to achieve pleasure and avoid pain, but to do the will of God, come what may. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Few, they tell me, finish well. Lord, let me get home before dark. Robertson McQuilkin

Duty to God was my watchword, and on His powerful arm I trusted for protection, and I resolved to go forward. Melinda Rankin

Make this your last and best end—to live to Christ and to do His will. Thomas Shepard

We are more sure to arise out of our graves than out of our beds. Thomas Watson

Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened. Billy Graham

It is always true that an encounter with God brings wonderment and awe. A. W. Tozer

He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else. Benjamin Franklin

Victory is the normal experience of a Christian; defeat should be the abnormal experience. Watchman Nee

God gives us the spiritual gifts He wants us to have; He puts us in the places He wants us to serve; and He gives the blessings He wants us to enjoy. Warren Wiersbe

Make a difference by daring to be different. Joe Stowell

Encouragement focuses on your child's effort, interests, and improvement and emphasizes the process, rather than the outcome. Marianne Neifert

Freedom is not the right to do as you please; it is the liberty to do as you ought. Unknown

"Never argue with an Idiot....They'll drag you down to their level!" Unknown

"In this world of give and take, there are not enough people willing to give what it takes."
Lt. Caleb McClary, USMC

“Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.”

Catch on fire with enthusiasm and people will come for miles to watch you burn. John Wesley

A clean glove often hides a dirty hand. Unknown

Failing to plan is planning to fail. Unknown

It is better to die for a conviction than to live with a compromise. Vance Havner

We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims. Buckminster Fuller

The majority may rule but the majority is not always right. Glen Snyder

If at first you don't succeed, you're doing about average. Unknown

God bless you and have a great day!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter...

We had a great day! Sunday school, my niece was baptized, went to my Mom's then had Easter dinner at Brian and Stephanie's along with an Easter egg hunt. Here are some pictures...Let the hunt begin!
Look in the flowers!
There has to be more eggs somewhere!
Garrett climbs where bunny has been.
Noah finds egg too.
Aly's reward.
Easter dinner.
Poppy and Aly watching T.V.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday...

Today is Good Friday. The day Christians commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus. Since the movie "Passion of the Christ" has come out on dvd I have made it a tradition to watch it on this day. It is very moving. I am watching it now as I make this post. Nothing has changed my personal life as much as becoming a Christian by asking Jesus to forgive me of my sins and to be my Saviour. May you have the peace of Christ in your life. God bless you...

The "Last Supper".

Jesus carrying the cross.

Jesus died for my sins, it should be me on that cross. Thank you for loving me so much.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Laid off...

Went to work this morning, like any other day. We have not been busy for the last few weeks, so when my boss came by my office and said we need to talk with the H.R. director I knew something was up. They told me because of the economic situation they needed to reduced the work force. I knew it was nothing personal nor due to my work performance, they just had to do what they had to do for the survival of the company. I understand that.
I started working when I was in high school at one of the local grocery stores as a stock boy then after graduation I got a job at a factory loading boxcars with office furniture. My Dad worked at a ice cream factory driving trucks so when I got laid off at the furniture factory I got a job in the freezer loading trucks and stacking 3 gallon tubs of ice cream. Baskin-Robbins bought our plant in 1976 and I worked a total of 27 years for them.
After they shut down in 2001 I was laid off for two months then I got a call from Packaging UnLimited of Western Kentucky working in the warehouse. I worked there six weeks on the second shift when they lost a contract making the second shift obsolete. They liked me and put me in the office staff, day shift filing papers and data entry in the system for all the production done that day. Security and other jobs were added over time and I really liked my job.
In December Packaging Purposes took over in place of Packaging UnLimited because of our financial crises. Thank God I still had a job. But I do understand what happened today.
God is still in control. Pray for us. God will take care of us!
God bless you...
"Pinky" is the truck I drove at Baskin-Robbins.
I worked for Packaging UnLimted for seven and a half years.
Thanks for letting me "rant" on in this blog.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Mystery man...?

Who is this mystery man with Mammaw? This was taken at Gattitown Friday night and it was too cute not to post. Have a great week and God bless...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Spring Break...

What do you do on the last day of Spring break? I took the day off from work and we decided to meet some of the family at Gattitown for some pizza and fun. You can see we started with the pizza, you have to have your priorities straight. Then we headed for the game room. We had a great time. Hope you had a great week. God bless...
Joey and Austin enjoying pizza.
Noah bowling while Dad watches.
Noah taking aim.
Kenny, Noah, Aly Joey and Cody riding the bumper cars.
Cody, Haylee and Aly taking turns "hitting" each other.
Kenny having fun with the "kids"...
Kenny, Cody and Sherri.
Darlene playing "Deal or No Deal". She didn't get rich.
Kelly helping Darlene.
Noah enjoys the Frog Hopper.
Noah takes a picture of Poppy and Mammaw.
We had a good time.