Saturday, May 30, 2009

Noah's T-ball game...

Today Noah had a make up T-ball game. He and Aly spent the night before so Mammaw and Poppy went to the game to see the excitement. Here are a few pictures of Noah batting. He got a hit and made it to first and then was batted "home" base by base. Mammaw took these pictures. Noah at bat.
It's a hit!
Noah "running" to first.
Going to second.
Making it to third.
We had a victory meal at the Tell City LJS.
Here is Pirate Noah.
Noah is quite the entertainer but so are all our grandchildren, they get it from their Mammaw. ☺
Pray you have a great day and God bless...

Friday, May 29, 2009

Austin's graduation...

Austin's 5th grade graduation was today and I got to attend the ceremony. Austin attended the North Hancock Elementary School and the parents, grandparents, family and friends helped celebrate their passage to middle school. The class sang "Peace" and remarks and awards were abundant during the ceremony. There was a slide show presentation and a reception afterwards. Kelly took pictures and I'm sharing some of them with you now.
Austin with his diploma.
Austin and proud Mommy.
Daddy and Austin.
Austin and his personalized overnight bag.
Poppy and Austin.
We are all so proud of Austin. Thanks for stopping by and letting me brag a little.
God bless...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The fan ate Gavin's blankey!!!

We went to Brian and Stephanie's house for a cookout yesterday and had a good time. Garrett also had a baseball game and we all went. While Brian was grilling, Gavin and I were playing catch with his "blankey". (His favorite, can't sleep without, blanket.) Well you know I had to throw it too high and it got caught in the fan. Mammaw took pictures and we want to share them with you. The fan ate the "blankey"!!
Garrett tries to get it down, but no luck.
Mommy tries the rake, but again the fan would not give up its catch!
But the brave Gavin is lifted by both Dad and Mommy and comes away with the prised "blankey".
Gavin is happy and all is well in "Gavinland".
Thank you stopping by and letting me share with you. Have a great day and God bless you...

Friday, May 22, 2009

Lighten Up: A Celebration of Humor...

Last night Garrett's class had a program. Lighten Up: A Celebration of Humor was the title and it was funny. We had a blast! Brian took some pictures and shared them with us. Again we forgot our camera. I'm sharing some with you today. Hope you like them. Have a great day and God bless...
Garrett's turn at the mic.
Joseph at the mic.
Garrett's group.
Garrett's turn to be silly.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Noah's ear surgery...

Noah had ear surgery today. One of his tubes came out part way and had some growth around it causing him problems. The doctor removed it this morning. He is a real trooper and was very good. We are thankful everything is 'ok. God answers prayer. Noah returns.
Noah and Mommy.
Noah and Daddy.
Mammaw and Noah.
Poppy and Noah.
Thank you stopping by. There is always something to post when you have grandchildren. You have a great day and God bless you...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


We inherited my mother-in-laws pictures after her death in 1995. She had a little album with some pictures I'm sharing with you today. Mrs. Williams loved her grandchildren and they loved her. The first one was taken on a Sunday morning after church. The second is our former pastor, Dan Tilley and family. And the third one is of our sons sleeping plus that's not blood but red marker I couldn't get off the picture. Mrs. Williams, Sherri, Brian, Jeff and Joey with bottle.
Dan and Kathy Tilley with their daughters, Kristen and Ashley.
Joey, Jeff in the middle and Brian asleep.
These are just some old pictures we like and thought we would share with you. Have a great day and God bless...

Monday, May 18, 2009

Noah graduates preschool...

Noah attended the Lewisport Baptist Church preschool program this year. Graduation was Sunday afternoon. Mammaw and Poppy attended the ceremony, but we forgot our camera so Mammaw used the phone camera. Here are some of the pictures. Noah was excited and couldn't stand still during the music part of the program. Noah showing off his trophy and diploma.
☺Noah "reading" his diploma.☺

"Mammaw look at my trophy!"
Thanks for stopping by and have a great week! God bless you and your family...

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Joey's birthday dinner...

Joey's birthday was on Thursday and Kelly had a dinner for him on Friday with family. We had a good time. Here are a few pictures. Have a great weekend and God bless you...
Joey and Aly.
Birthday kiss!
Sisters - Kelly and Jenny.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Gavin graduates...

Last night was Gavin's graduation from preschool. We attended and enjoyed the program which included Gavin in a preschool rendition of "Baa Baa Black Sheep". They sang cute songs with motions and we all clapped along. It was fun and they were all adorable. We went to Ritzy's afterwards to "celebrate". Here are a few pictures to share with you. Gavin and his diploma.
Gavin running over his brother outside Ritzy's.
Garrett on the hood as Gavin hits the brakes!!!
Gavin and his Dad enjoying the night out.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tomato project...

Maybe you have been wondering what I've been doing this summer, or maybe not. ☺ I'm trying my hand at growing hanging tomatoes. I've taken our laundry detergent buckets, drilled holes in them, painted them and added some soil mix and tomato plants. I've also used pepper plants and put flowers on top. I hung them on our shepherd hooks with bailing wire and tape to keep them from falling off. I will post more pictures as they progress. You can click on the pictures to get a better look. A view from our back yard.
Up close.
Another close look.
Even closer.
Our rhodademdrum bush in bloom.
One of our hostas plants.
Thank you for stopping by and letting me share my "hobby" with you. Have a wonderful day and God bless you...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Busy weekend...

What a busy but wonderful weekend we had! Our daughter-in-law, Melissa graduated from the Quillen College of Medicine at East Tennessee State University in Johnson City, Tennessee. We stayed the weekend with Jeff and Melissa. Melissa's mom, Carol had a picnic following the Honors Convocation on Friday. Saturday was the Commencement for all the 2009 E.T.S.U. graduates and we went to Cheddars to celebrate afterwards. Sunday was Mother's Day and we went to church with Jeff, Melissa and Carol that morning. Jeff took us out for lunch at the Captain's Table restaurant that afternoon. We had a good weekend and here are some pictures we want to share with you... Jeff and Melissa.
Jeff and Melissa looking over her "Doctor's Certificate".
Melissa with her Grandfather.
Jeff and Mom.
Dad and Jeff.
Melissa has worked very hard and we are very proud of her.
God bless you and your family! Have a wonderful week...