Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tomato project...

Maybe you have been wondering what I've been doing this summer, or maybe not. ☺ I'm trying my hand at growing hanging tomatoes. I've taken our laundry detergent buckets, drilled holes in them, painted them and added some soil mix and tomato plants. I've also used pepper plants and put flowers on top. I hung them on our shepherd hooks with bailing wire and tape to keep them from falling off. I will post more pictures as they progress. You can click on the pictures to get a better look. A view from our back yard.
Up close.
Another close look.
Even closer.
Our rhodademdrum bush in bloom.
One of our hostas plants.
Thank you for stopping by and letting me share my "hobby" with you. Have a wonderful day and God bless you...

1 comment:

Denise Moore said...

I didn't know that was your hobby. Very nice! I love gardening too.