Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The fan ate Gavin's blankey!!!

We went to Brian and Stephanie's house for a cookout yesterday and had a good time. Garrett also had a baseball game and we all went. While Brian was grilling, Gavin and I were playing catch with his "blankey". (His favorite, can't sleep without, blanket.) Well you know I had to throw it too high and it got caught in the fan. Mammaw took pictures and we want to share them with you. The fan ate the "blankey"!!
Garrett tries to get it down, but no luck.
Mommy tries the rake, but again the fan would not give up its catch!
But the brave Gavin is lifted by both Dad and Mommy and comes away with the prised "blankey".
Gavin is happy and all is well in "Gavinland".
Thank you stopping by and letting me share with you. Have a great day and God bless you...

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